Ethanol Free, 5+ year shelf life, the oringial Engineered Fuel direct from Sweeden. Don't settle for lessor fuels at more expensive prices.
Full range mix for ALL 2 cycle prodcuts. Mixed using 100% biodegradable and fully synthetic oil. Virtually elinimate any future fuel related service or repair when you run Aspen Fuel.
Providing the most professional equipment direct to our clients, fully assembled and test run unlinke mass-retail or box stores, full warrtanty and the peice of mind knowing you are getting a serious prodcuts, not just one that is advertised as a popular brand.
Providing equipment & fleet consulting in areas of
Providing volume parts for companies from all major manufacturers as well as assisting in training parts personal for ordering requirements
We have invested more money & time on Education & Equipment than 99.99% of the Canadian Population when it comes to sharpening Chainsaw Chains. No one can offer the quality & service we do, regardless the price.
*Minimum qualities may apply*
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